First Macro: timeit!

Jul - 2020 (~7 minutes read time)

This series serves as a practical (but not-exhaustive) introduction to declarative macro_rules!. I've put together some Rust macro examples to show how macros can be helpful for improving ergonomics around repetitive or error-prone tasks. The examples cover some great scenarios for macros like:

What are macros?

To introduce macros, I'll take a direct quote from the Macro chapter in the Rust Book:

Macros allow us to abstract at a syntactic level. A macro invocation is shorthand for an "expanded" syntactic form. This expansion happens early in compilation, before any static checking. As a result, macros can capture many patterns of code reuse that Rust’s core abstractions cannot.

The example given shows how vec![], which you're likely used, is a shorthand alternative to a tedious Vec instantiation:

let my_values: Vec<u3> = vec![10, 20, 30, 40];


let my_values = {
    let mut temp_vec: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();

What we'll cover in this post is how we can use macro_rules! to create our own shorthand abstractions.

Viewing macro output

As we start building some macros I'll be showing output of the generated Rust code using cargo-expand. It's an invaluable tool to see what the macro_rules! code is generating. I recommend installing cargo-expand to be able to follow along and test out your own macros.

Defining Macros with macro_rules!

Rust has a special syntax for declaring macros via macro_rules! blocks. Macros will have one or more match rules, to allow the macro to match & parse the tokens & expressions withing the invoking call. In that way, you'll see some similarities to Rust's match blocks and value destructuring. Let's look at how the syntax is laid out:

/* |--- Tell Rust compiler: this is a macro definition
   v           v-- macro name (how it will be called)  */
macro_rules! macro_name {
/*   |--- Match rule
     v          v -- macro name (how it will be called)  */
    (...) => { ... }
    // more match rules

To see the full details on macro syntax, check out the Rust Book's Syntax section. The rest of this post will cover just a subset of topics.

Building timeit!()

The rest of this artcle will focus on a building a timeit! macro, inspired by Python's timeit module. It will allow us to log the execution time for closures & functions; here's a usage example:

fn wait_for_it() -> String {
    return String::from("...Legendary!");

fn main() {
    eprintln!("This is going to be...");
    let res = timeit!(wait_for_it());
    eprintln!("{}", res);


This is going to be...
'wait_for_it' took 2002 ms

Implementing timeit!

The essence of the syntax timeit! is trying to create shorthand for is:

    let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();
    // Code to time goes here
    eprintln!("Took {:.3} ms", start_time.elapsed().as_millis());

Wrapping a Closure via Matching and Expanding

The first use case has the most straight-forward since the closere is matched in macro_rules! as a single expr match type:

macro_rules! timeit {
    // This match captures the `expr` passed in as `$e`,
    // which the macro will assume is callable (E.g. a closure or function)
    ($e:expr) => {{
        // Before calling `$e`, track the current instant
        let _start = std::time::Instant::now();
        // `$e` could return something (or the implied unit struct `()`), so capture that in `_res`
        let _res = $e();
        // Log the elapsed time
        eprintln!("Took {:.3} ms", _start.elapsed().as_millis());
        // and return whatever our closure returned

Which allows us to use the macro like:

use std::io;
use std::fs::read_to_string;

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let file_contents = read_to_string("path/to/file.txt")?;
    let result = timeit!(|| {
    println!("{}", results);


Took 0.150 ms
Results: ...

Wrapping a Function Call

Much like Rust's match blocks, ordering of rules is significant and the first pattern that matches will get executed. We can use this to our advantage and have a match rule that will attempt to match on function calls so that we can automatically include the function name in the logging output (to reduce ambiguity in code with multiple timeit! calls).

Repetitive Matches and Expansion

Match rules can match an arbitrary number of homegenious items, much like the values passed into vec![...]. There isn't a match rule setup for each possibility of passed arguments, but rather the variadic arguments are captured in a match and the macro rule block can repeat syntax for each arg (like the temp_vec.push(...); lines in vec![]).

Given a macro call like:

vec![10, 20, 30]

The match rule could look like:

( $($args:expr),*) )
//     ^--- A repeating series of `expr` with non-captured comma separators

After capturing, a representation of the matches might look something like:

$args = [10, 20, 30]

When using the captured $args in the macro block, they can be re-assembled with comma separators like:

let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();
 v-- things inside $( .. )* are repeated per item */

Exploding and Re-assembling a Function Call

In order to attempt matching a function call, we'll place a new match rule at the beginning of our macro_rules! block, so when it doesn't match the rule the macro will proceed to the next rule to find a match:

macro_rules! timeit {
    /*  |--- function name (in this case: slow_sum)
        v     v--- the open paren before the function args   */
    ($n:ident ( $($args:expr),*)) => {{
    /*                ^          ^--- the closing paren after the function args)
                      |--- A repeating series of `arg` with non-captured comma separators */
        let _start = std::time::Instant::now();

        //              v--------v -> repeat each arg with following comma
        let _res = $n( $( $args, )* );
        //          ^--- our captured function name

        // Use the function name (ident) in the log
        eprintln!("'{}' took {:.3} ms", stringify!($n), _start.elapsed().as_millis());

        // return whatever the result of our function is (pass-through, like `dbg!()`)
    ($e:expr) => {{ .. }}  // <-- our existing rule

And we can see the effect of our macro via cargo-expand, targeted at our macro tests:

fn test_simple() {
    timeit!(|| { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)) });

Becomes (comments added by me):

`$ cargo expand --lib --tests tests::test_simple

fn test_simple() {
//  v-- Start of our macro block
        // This you should recognize
        let _start = std::time::Instant::now();
        // And this is `$e();` expanded
        let _res = (|| std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)))();
        // Followed by the expansion of `eprintln!()`
                &["Took ", " ms\n"], // <-- This is us!
                &match (&_start.elapsed().as_millis(),) {
                    (arg0,) => [::core::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(
                &[::core::fmt::rt::v1::Argument {
                    position: 0usize,
                    format: ::core::fmt::rt::v1::FormatSpec {
                        fill: ' ',
                        align: ::core::fmt::rt::v1::Alignment::Unknown,
                        flags: 0u32,
                        precision: ::core::fmt::rt::v1::Count::Is(3usize),
                        width: ::core::fmt::rt::v1::Count::Implied,

And our function call example:

fn test_ext_multiple_args() {
    fn slow_sum(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
        a + b
    let res = timeit!(slow_sum(5, 9));
    eprintln!("Slow sum result: {}", res);

Becomes (comments added by me):

$ cargo expand --lib --tests tests::test_ext_multiple_args

fn test_ext_multiple_args() {
    fn slow_sum(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
        a + b
    //        v-- Start of our macro block
    let res = {
        let _start = std::time::Instant::now();
        let _res = slow_sum(5, 9);
                &["\'", "\' took ", " ms\n"],
                //        v-- The function name, after `stringify!()`
                &match (&"slow_sum", &_start.elapsed().as_millis()) {
                    (arg0, arg1) => [
                        ::core::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(arg0, ::core::fmt::Display::fmt),
                        ::core::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(arg1, ::core::fmt::Display::fmt),
                //.. truncated for brevity
        _res  // <-- returning the function result
    };  // <-- end of the macro block
            &["Slow sum result: ", "\n"],
            &match (&res,) {
                (arg0,) => [::core::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(

There we have it! Hopefully the macro syntax is a little more clear with this example. Check out the full example for even more details, along with some tests to show usage.